Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lying to Everyone for Three Months

I fibbed a bunch of times in December. So did Bridget. We fudged the truth even more in January and February. Basically, it was just one big, fat lie after another for three months.

"Want to go out tonight and grab a beer tonight?"

"No," we said. "We're not feeling very well."

"You going to that party?"

"Maybe," we said. "But we're pretty hung over from last night."

Lies. Lies. And more lies.

The hardest part of pregnancy so far -- and please note that this is written from the perspective of a male who hasn't undergone an enormous body alteration -- was not telling anyone we were expecting a little one. We told our families at Christmas and then took a tight-lipped oath for the next 11 weeks. The reason, of course, is that if something bad happened with the baby, we didn't want to have to tell everyone about it.

And man, was it hard to keep my mouth shut. After all, it is the biggest news of our lives.

You have, I believe, eight positive "big news" moments in your life. Think about it:

  1. You get into college -- perhaps the one of your dreams. 
  2. You get your first job. 
  3. You get your dream job. 
  4. You get married. 
  5. You have your first baby.
  6. You have additional babies. (I realize this can happen several times, but the first is likely to draw the biggest response from the world.) 
  7. You buy your first home. 
  8. You retire.
And unless strange circumstances prevent it, you can share non-baby news as soon as it happens. No one buys a home and starts telling people two months after they've moved in. No one wears an engagement ring for four or five weeks before spreading the news. (This is especially true in the Facebook era when eating brunch on Sunday is cause for tagging, photos, and three status updates.)

But baby news is under wraps until that glorious 12-week mark hits and you're a little further out of the woods. So, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say I'm sorry for lying those 40-50 times from December 16  until a few weeks ago. More specifically:
  • Colleagues, I never had those dentist appointments. 
  • Bridget held the same half bottle of beer for three straight hours at the company holiday party. (For the record, I drank the first half.)
  • Friends who threw that lovely apartment warming party in January, Bridget was home in bed two miles away -- not visiting friends in whatever city I said. 
  • Everyone who asked if we were trying to have kids yet, yes, yes we were. And it appears we were successful. 
Phew! It feels great to get this off my chest. I promise I'll never lie again. At least until we start trying for baby No. 2.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are forgiven Mike!
    Just post a video of baby's first steps :)
